This group is embracing this time in their lives by doing more of life together! If you are single and a senior, they invite you to join them in lunches, fun activities, and connection with each other!
This is a new women's study group as of February 2024! This group is excited to focus on connecting with each other and our spirituality through book and Bible studies. Love and Light meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Please contact Erin Murray for more information.
Our first meeting is 2/6/24 at AUMC!
Every 3rd Sunday @ 3pm
(Begins in February 2023)
Andover UMC
This is a new group for AUMC's women who are looking for deeper connections with each other! Every meeting we will catch up with each other, share snacks, and do something together that involves service, creativity, learning, or fellowship.
AUMC welcomes all who want to use their musical gifts to serve in worship! Go to our "Music Minsitries" page to learn how you can plug into our musical groups. Visit the "Kids Ministries" and "Youth Ministries" pages to learn about the music ministry opportunities for children and youth.