By: Cindy Tyler

I used to think I didn’t have to go to church to be a Christian. I can sleep in on Sunday, I believe in Christ, I can pray & worship…at home, on my time. In January 2012, my husband Rich and I found ourselves in an unexpected situation. Our three grandchildren were dropped off at our house and their parents did not come back. We felt it was important that we get them involved in the church so they would know that Jesus love is unending, He is always with you and will never leave you. We couldn’t drop the kids off, saying “we’ll be back later”. So Rich and I started attending regularly ourselves. As the kids got involved in Sunday school, VBS, youth group, mission trips, etc., we also got involved. When asked to serve on the Christian Education committee, my initial thought was “Ugh, something else to do? When do I have time?” I believe children and education are an important part of the church, so I found the time. It’s scary to “get involved”. But it’s also very rewarding. I hope I am setting a good example for my children (and maybe some others) of how to live as a Christian. We have found so much more inside the walls of this church than just a place for my family to learn about Jesus. They say it takes a village to raise a child, AUMC is my village.
Cindy Tyler