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Helping Those in Need


By: Rae Thiel

Nancy Mattke, Rae Thiel, and Valencia Scribner; Thrive! Butler

Why Do I Do What I Do?

It is really simple, God calls us to help those in need.

Upon retiring, I felt that God was leading me to volunteer in the Open Door Klothes Kloset, the Open Door Food Ministry and the Andover Community Food Bank. These have been real learning experiences as I have seen up close what those in poverty deal with on a daily basis.

Food and clothing are indeed essential elements for those in poverty, but I continued to be confronted by the fact that I was really helping to put a band aide on a gaping wound. Those in poverty were not changing their circumstances, as clients returned to these programs over and over again.

Again some “God moments” encouraged me to look for other options to alleviate poverty. Some like-minded individuals (pictured above) were being led in the same direction. With God’s direction and timing, Thrive! Butler was conceived.

What a joy to see those individuals in El Dorado, in the Thrive! Butler program, see a path for them to “take charge” of their lives and move ahead. I am excited to see what God has planned for our new site in Andover.

Rae Thiel

Thrive! Butler Vice-Chair

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