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Leap of Faith

By: Nancy West

When I was asked to join the SPRC (Staff/Parish Relations Committee), I didn't think I was "right" for that committee. As I prayed about it, 1 Corinthians 12, which talks about the importance of every part of the Body of Christ, came to me and I felt there was a lot I could learn and hopefully share through serving on SPRC. This has truly been a learning experience, especially in regards to the process of how some decisions are made. Believe me, these matters are not taken lightly! Our goal in SPRC is to make decisions on the big picture and vision of our church under the guidance of God's leadership to make disciples of Jesus Christ. If you are ever asked to join this committee, I encourage you to pray about it, and then take a leap of faith and experience what God has to teach you. I would certainly do it again.

Nancy West

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